Business is a Journey: Pull over and ask for direction

Business Success

A recent survey revealed that men clocked up over 276 miles a year aimlessly driving around lost with 12% refusing offers of help.

The waste in time and money (apparently £2,000 over the lifetime) does not appear to be any discouragement to this activity.

Whilst I don’t have any international figures to compare, I suspect this trait is more prevalent in the UK than in the US and elsewhere.

Whilst these statistics are interesting, they were not a random find, but the answer I was looking for to a question I asked myself this week.

Even though my consultancy is UK based, I have more clients in the US than I do in the UK.


Well the predilection towards not asking for – and even refusing – help doesn’t simply kick in once you get in the driving seat of a car.  It would appear to be a cultural disposition that also manifests itself at board level and with directors and CEO’s in the UK.

The desire to “make my own mistakes” –  instead of avoiding them through outside guidance – is quite apparent in the UK.  CEO’s may still arrive at their destination eventually, but at what cost to the business? The sums can be pretty huge.

Pride it seems comes before progress, and more importantly, Profit. My experience with US businesses is the reverse. Profit comes before Pride.

So I have my answer; US business leaders aren’t afraid to pull over and ask for directions AND that’s why my consultancy has more US based clients.

Whilst I’ve learnt a valuable lesson, I think there is also a lesson for business leaders everywhere. If you want to get where you need to be faster, pull over and ask for direction.

More importantly when it comes to business, leave your pride in the car, and don’t bring it to the office.

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